Hi, it's Alan Jones here, and I'm hoping you might be able to find a few dollars to support the fund-raising I'm doing for Oxfam International in the Sydney 2006 Oxfam Trailwalker.
For the time-poor executives amongst you, here's an executive summary:
Executive Summary
- You donate $50 or more right now (you can donate less but you're a busy executive so you can afford at least that) quickly and safely online using your credit card, and claim a handy tax-deduction before the end of the financial year (tax deduction for Australian readers only, sorry, but overseas donations also accepted)
- It goes straight to helping Oxfam provide urgent aid
- You unsubscribe from future weekly emails from me using the link in the email you received
- I walk a very long way, climb a very big thing... whatever - break the Guiness World Record for eating live cockroaches as far as you're concerned - doesn't really matter as long as Oxfam gets the money and you can get back to work, right?
What is Trailwalker?
Trailwalker is an 'extreme sport' event where teams of four normal people (well, in our team, three normal people and me) try to complete a 100km walk along rugged bush tracks in less than 48 hours. Yes, that is a very long way, and no, we don't plan to sleep along the way, just push on and finish somewhere between 24 and 27 hours - 5km/hr with a few breaks to change socks/eat a sports bar.
Our team is called the Glutes For Punishment, after the buttock muscles so heavily utilised on such a long walk. You can learn more about our team members on our blog at http://glutesforpunishment.blogspot.com
Of course, just managing to make it that far without dying of fatigue is not enough challenge, so we're aiming to raise a minimum of AUD $2,000.00 from friends like you before we start. In fact, if we don't raise more than $1,000, we're not allowed to compete in the event.
There's loads more about the event, the route, and other details on the Sydney Oxfam Trailwalker site.
Who are the Glutes for Punishment?
The glutes in question belong to myself, Felicity Kohut, Bride King and Roger Crawford. Felicity and Bride work together at the Pilates studio run by my wife Mel. Roger and I play basketball together. We all like walking... phew.
What happens to my money?
If you give it to us; it's blown on nose-candy, fast cars and wild parties - you know it couldn't be any other way. However, if you donate it to Oxfam, 81% of it goes straight to helping eradicating the causes and effects of poverty, without any political or religious hidden agenda. Of the other 19% they blow 15% on further fundraising and 4% on admin. You know they can't afford a nose-candy/wild party budget on 4%, so your money's not wasted.
Even a small donation from you can make a massive difference, doing things like providing clean water and sanitation, funding vegetable gardens and training in sustainable agriculture, training community nurses, and education for adults and children. And because it comes from Oxfam, it's all provided without the usual hidden catches of, "Oh, but you'll need to accept Jesus into your hearts, of course" or "...and in return you're OK for us to dig a few oil wells, right?"
Finally, your donation helps Felicity, Bride, Roger and I set some challenging fitness goals, learn a lot about ourselves and each other, and feel like we're doing something to make a difference in the world.
Can I help?
You sure can. We'll need some volunteers to be our support crew during the walk, 25-26 August 2006 in Sydney. There's a variety of transport, food, scheduling and navigating tasks to be done and we could really use a hand.
OK, what next?
Here's our blog, and if you'd like to hear from us now and again, do nothing and you'll get an email update from our blog covering our training plans, fund-raising progress, and notes from the field. If you would rather just donate and not get updates, donate now and then follow the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email you received.
If you've read this far and still haven't made a donation, you better take care of that right now. All you need is your credit card details and a minute of your time.
I thank you. Felicity, Bride, Roger and Oxfam thank you. A bunch of basically good people with the misfortune to be in the wrong place in the wrong time thank you for the chance to make something better for themselves.
...actually, I was referring to the poor people in other countries, not the four of us.
- Alan Jones
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